What is a desktop

Get organized with desktops. Create a shareable space for every need, team or project.

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A desktop is a virtual space where you can add and organize your apps, links and documents, so everyone in your team can access assets which they need. You can communicate here with  individuals or groups via chat, voice or full HD quality video and also schedule planned meetings.

You can have one or more desktops in your workspace. You will be able to create, manage and share desktops with other members.

When you initially open your workspace, you will see 2 desktops’ sections: internal and private. If you decide to share your private desktop with other users, it will appear in the shared desktops section. Learn more information on desktops' types and how they can be used here

Find more useful guides in our list of the most related articles:
How to create a desktop
How to invite a new user
How to share a desktop
How to manage internal desktops
What is a workspace