How to import passwords

Get the most out of's password manager by importing your saved credentials from other password manager software
You can import your saved credentials from other password manager software to the password manager. The relevant data will be stored in a single vault that is password protected and encrypted. With the app you will be able to import passwords from such password managers as LastPass, 1Password, Bitwarden, Chrome and Safari
We support the following file types: .1pif, .csv
Learn more about the Password Manager here
This option is available if you enabled the Organize&Search feature package

How to import passwords:

1. Open the app

2. Start from unlocking your Vault. Enter your account password -> click the Unlock Password Manager

3. If you enabled Organize&Search + Communication feature, navigate to the Desktops -> select the Vault to unlock that

4. Click the Add password button

5. Switch to the Import tab and click the Browse your computer button to upload a file with saved credentials

6. After you've selected the file, click the Upload your file button

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Password groups
Password manager
Password manager iOS
Password manager Android
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