App integrations

Which types of apps integrations are available with Learn more and make your workspace more efficient and productive
App Integrations are available for Pro Plan users. Learn how to upgrade to Pro here
This option is available if you enabled the Organize&Search feature package

Enabling App Integrations is easily done from your account's Settings menu. App Integrations unlocks some valuable benefits in your account, such as searching across multiple apps at once straight from your dashboard, getting updates on tasks without switching between tools, maintaining overview and overall limiting context switching throughout your workday.

You will get updates and all the important information from your favorite tools directly into the chat. They will be accessed from the Integration channel.

For now, the chat bot integration works for Jira integration

This option is available if you enabled the Organize&Search + Communicate feature package offers the following app integrations: Jira, Google, Trello, Asana, Dropbox, Notion, Salesforce, Hubspot, Github,Mailchimp,OneDrive
Find more information about setting up app integrations here

There are 3 types of integrations available with
  • Personal integrations - can be used and managed by all workspace members (owners, admins, and members). Integrations setup here is only available for the user setting it up.
  • Workspace integrations - can be used and managed only by workspace owners and administrators. When these integrations are set up they are available for all members of the workspace (except guest users).
  • Custom integrations - can be used and managed only by workspace owners and administrators. With this integration, you can integrate the webhooks into your workflows. It can be used, for example, for notifying about events in other software/websites. Incoming Webhooks are a simple way to post messages from other apps to internal desktops.

Learn more  about Custom integrations and also find the instructions on setting it up in the developer documentation

Find more useful guides in our list of the most related articles:

Password manager
How to link workspaces
App notification controls
How to create custom apps
App integrations setup guide