Account Types offers currently different account options that the user can register for: Free account and Pro account. Both account types offer the same product and interface, but the Free account has restrictions compared to the Pro account

Free account

A Free version provides easy interaction between the apps and links in one place. It gives you an unlimited amount of desktops in your workspace and all the base features of the product. You will be limited in the number of users that you can add to your workspace for collaborating, but it is a great way to get to know the application or for personal use with a limited set of features.

A free version also allows you to test out our chat functionality (one-to-one chat and group chats) and the password management.

Pro account

A Pro account is meant for businesses, organizations, and users that want access to the pro features. A pro account allows you to have up to 250 users in your workspace.

Unlike a Free account, a Pro account allows you to:

  • Invite external guests to your workspace and personal desktops
  • Arrange your users into groups. You can learn more about group management here.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO) login for apps
  • Up to 25 participants for audio and video calls

If you need more than 250 users for your account you can contact us regarding an Enterprise account. See more information here

To learn more about the different account types, please see our Plans.

To learn more about the types of workspace users and their roles see our User roles and rights overview.

Find more useful guides in our list of the most related articles:

How to register an account

Registering a account using your Facebook credentials

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