Definition of desktops types

Confused about which type of desktop to create? Let us explain the difference between desktops types
A desktop is a virtual space where you can add and organize your apps, links and documents, so everyone in your team can access assets which they need. You can communicate here with individuals or groups via chat, voice or full HD quality video and also schedule planned meetings. You can have one or more desktops in your workspace. You will be able to create, manage and share desktops with other members
This option is available if you enabled the Organize&Search feature package
Let’s learn more about desktops’ types:

Internal Desktops

Internal desktops are collaborative desktops created by the owner or users with the administration rights. These desktops can’t be shared with external users (members, who are not a part of your team). Workspace desktops can only be accessed by workspace members. After a desktop was created as an internal one, it can’t be switched to a private one.

Only owners or administrators can see all workspace desktops in the administration user interface and have full rights to:

     - add workspace desktops

     - edit workspace desktops

     - remove workspace desktops

Workspace owners and administrators can see all internal desktops in the workspace administration interface

Workspaces members will see only internal desktops that they have been added to and will have the following rights:

     - use apps (but not add new apps)

     - manage links (add, edit, remove links)

Private desktops

Private desktops are desktops created by owners, administrators and workspace members and are not shared with workspace members and/or guests. Only users who have created this desktop can have access to this.

Creators of these desktops are their owners and have full rights to:

     - edit and delete the desktop

     - share and manage users (workspace members and guests)

     - manage apps and links

Shared desktops

Shared desktops are the private desktops which are shared with workspace members and/or guests. Desktops that are only shared with workspace members will just show the desktop name. Desktops that are shared only with workspace guests, or workspace guests and workspace members will have an EXT marking on them. This is to indicate that the desktop has a desktop guest as a member.

Find more useful guides in our list of the most related articles:

How to create a desktop
How to invite a new user
How to share a desktop
What is a workspace
What is a workspace administration